Thursday, April 16, 2009

Today...I Recycled My Bible

I thought I would contribute to the efforts of environmentalism--rather than continue to swallow the intolerant, bigoted, and spiteful claims, that flow form every discordant chapter of the Christian Bible. However, I do find a great deal of inspiration from the teachings of Jesus Christ. He was an exemplary moral teacher and I am sure, an exceptional man. I can accept him as this, but have no logic reason or evidence to suppose that he was anything greater.

Hello! I went from an upright, God fearing Christian to a moral-less, anti-religious Agnostic in three weeks! Through this blog, I will attempt to raise my own, as well as others, consciousness about unconscious claims we all make about religion each day.

Thanks for reading!

Ideally, I will attempt to post weekly. Realistically, it may be fortnightly.

(This is not literal... it is satire...)


Anonymous April 18, 2009 at 12:25 AM  

Mike we need to chat. You are now playing god. Why do feel the need to decieve others because you don't have the answers. Do you not recall that Satan is out
to kill, steal, and destroy and you are walking right into his trap. You need to speak with someone who has experienced the undeniable power of God. I would be happy to share with you.

tgcast April 18, 2009 at 10:41 AM  

Hey Mike, this is James from down the hall, by the way. I agree on what you said about Jesus was an extremely moral man, but the honest answer is there are so many moral men and women that why choose this one? Instead of worshiping that man, worship the idea of being a good person. Kind of like Buddhism if you think about it, except they still kind of worship Buddha.

I have been an atheist for a long, long time. I've tried being religious, when I was a kid and I saw all my friends going to church I tried going to a Christian church, I went to a Catholic school for a year. Nothing converted me, it never explained to me what I wanted to know, or answered the questions I had.

To the person who commented: While I admire your attempt to save someone you undeniably care for, I don't think Satan will do anything to him. Like I said, I've been an Atheist, essentially, since birth. I have never once been struck down by any omnipotent being. Not Jesus, not Satan, not God. I've never been swayed to do bad things, I'd actually say I'm a pretty moral person. Better than a lot of Catholics or Christians that I know. The reason I think that is that I'm not looking at the world through a sculpted lens of life. I don't see the world through any God's intended lens and then see everything mottled and changed with mans desired spin put on it. I see it all through my lens, the way it should be seen.

This turned into a LONG comment, sorry Mike.


Michael Guzman April 18, 2009 at 1:49 PM  

Thanks James. Definitely said it better than I could. Yeah, I definitely have to agree with you that there have been moralists in the world that were just as equally good and ethically minded as Jesus.

James April 18, 2009 at 2:57 PM  

I forgot to add something to my comment.

If Mike had anything to fear from being an Agnostic now, it should be other people, not Satan. While agnostics probably don't get antagonized as much as atheists, I'm sure they get some kind of harsh treatment. So while Satan may not be out to kill you, it seems God is. At least, people who think they are talking to God. Look at Anthony Powell, he killed that young woman just because she was an Atheist. So to the anonymous poster, don't worry about Satan getting him, worry about somebody like Anthony Powell.

Anonymous April 18, 2009 at 8:05 PM  

Its also interesting how you guys hide behind blogs. I would be more than happy to meet with you in person and discuss anything you would care to discuss. You are not getting the whole picture.


Anonymous April 18, 2009 at 8:17 PM  

Mike and James,
There are many great moralist in the world who have lived and died. But none of them gave their lives so we could have eternal life. They didnt die a hidious death on the cross and rise from he dead, for the sole purpose of giving life to people like Mike and James.

tgcast April 18, 2009 at 9:17 PM  

I'm not trying to be unique or anything like that, nor am I trying to disprove Christianity.

And scare tactics and sarcasm don't work to convert someone.

tgcast April 18, 2009 at 10:04 PM  

The problem with these kinds of arguments is apparent right now. People take this extremely personal, which makes sense. Religion has played such a crucial part in your life for as long as you have lived, so why wouldn't you take it personally. But there are two sides to every argument. How are you guys any more wise or knowledgeable because you believe in a God? I am just as moral as you are, I've never drank in my life, never smoked a cigarette or marijuana or ingested any drugs. I've never beat anybody or belittled anybody. I've never made somebody feel stupid for being different, and I have NEVER tried to convert anybody to my way of thinking. When religious discussion comes up I actually skirt it, trying to avoid talking about my side of things more than anything else.

In my posts above I never attacked anybody, I never said you were going to die for being a Christian or anything of that sort. So why am I made into the antagonist in our little story when you guys are the ones attacking us?

By the way, while I make my identity public and I'm not "hiding behind a blog" I wouldn't like to meet with you. Not because I'm afraid of feeling the undeniable power of God, or being converted into a Christian. I wouldn't like to meet with you because I am afraid of being murdered, beaten, belittled, attacked, insulted, made to feel worthless and anything else that could possibly happen from meeting with someone who is religious. I don't want to end up like Asia McGowan or countless other people who have been murdered for their faith (or lack-thereof.)

I am not saying that you would attack and kill me, however I do think that you would become aggravated and possibly physical.

Now try to not insult me or Mike when you reply to this, we are people, too. Just because we have a different belief than you doesn't mean we are any less deserving of being alive or our stake in this conversation.

Woodse April 19, 2009 at 5:09 PM  

If you knew me, you would know none of those things are true. Do you know how many people have been killed in the name of Christ. Not a good arguement.

tgcast April 19, 2009 at 5:25 PM  

I don't think you would do those things, you seem like a very passionate, kind-hearted man. And I know that many people have been killed in the name Christ, and also many people have been killed because they don't believe in Christ.

I'm not trying to argue, I didn't know that this was going to turn into an argument.

Woodse April 19, 2009 at 5:32 PM  

I have to say James I read your comment and you all right. I'm sorry if I offended you, I tend to be very sarcastic and because of my thick skin, I assume other people are too. However my intentions are not mean. I am a very nice person and would give you the shirt off my back if you were in need. (btw this is Pam that wrote all these comments not Ed) and Ed would do the same.

tgcast April 19, 2009 at 5:35 PM  

It's fine, Pam and Ed. I understand completely. I am a sarcastic person by nature, and the internet definitely doesn't aid that. Words can take on completely different meanings when you don't hear the inflections and emotions that a human voice can give them. And I understand you guys completely, religion is so important to so many people and it only makes sense that you would defend yourselves.


Woodse April 19, 2009 at 7:27 PM  

Honestly and sincerely defence isnt my motive, eternity is.

Woodse April 19, 2009 at 7:49 PM  

I'm a strong believer in WWJD. People who kill in the name of Christ kill because of their own selfish ambitions, it has nothing to do with Christ. A true follower would never do that.

tgcast April 19, 2009 at 7:55 PM  

I totally agree with you. As with everything, the action lies with the person, not the religion.

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