Saturday, April 18, 2009

Are you afflicted with ODS?

I recently stumbled upon (not with the use of StumbleUpon) Media Matters and thought it was something worth sharing. Media Matters for America is a "Web-based, not-for-profit... progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media" ( They provide up to date commentary on conservative delusions in mainstream media. It is great to see a research organization who critically analyzes information, in rapid time, with the aim of providing it's readers and viewers a second chance to assess claims made by conservative institutions.


Woodse April 20, 2009 at 4:18 PM  

the far left group, media matters is a bit dishonest. I would like to clear up "delusions" on their part.

First of all if you knew anything about Glen Beck you would know that he is a morman, mormans don't believe in the anti-christ theory. So if you watched the show you would know that everytime someone would call B.O. the anti-christ he would dismiss, or make fun of the claim.

On the view of our government being vampires. Who can deny that right and left alike are a bunch of blood suckers. Pork projects, gov. programs that don't work, How many billions of $ are spent on useless programs? Why do politicians supports these projects? Power and votes! Sounds like a vampire to me, can't get enough blood (power).

The change the B.O. promise has not added up to his actions. I will give him credit for getting us closer to a one world gov. system, and setting the stage for someone to come into power that will cure world hunger, bring world peace, get us all green... sounds good huh? the problem is that at the end of 7 years of this "amazing" person's reign all hell will break loose and everyone will regret believing his propoganda. I think you know what the title of this world leader will be.

So I would hope that you would look at both sides for yourself and not believe everything that you read on the internet like media matters that has a deep rooted left agenda. Pam

Michael Guzman April 20, 2009 at 8:52 PM  

I know he is a Mormon. I can definitely see the religious undertone in everything he says.

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