Friday, May 8, 2009

Dr. Jesus! Make This Cyst Dissolve!

Do you think God really gives a crap about peoples monetary stability, when 963 million people around the are hungry each day? When one child dies from malnutrition every five seconds? If these lump sums of 'miracle money' are the work of God, then I think God really needs a reality check. It also scare me that these people are reporting alleviation form extremely dangerous maladies, by simply drinking some water from the 'Prophet Peter Popoff.' Either these people are just dishonest actors (which is most likely the case), the people never had ailments to start out with, or they have deluded themselves into believing they are healed when they are in fact still sick. The latter is the most dangerous, if these people do really believe that drinking water can heal cancer, cysts, neurological disorders, high blood pressure, and lung cancer then these people are in much danger in the future of not receiving medical assistance when they really do need it. Attributing ailments and disease to 'Satan' is neither logical nor necessary anymore, scientific research has shown us the true causes of these illnesses.


Andrew Murch May 8, 2009 at 1:40 PM  

Hey Mike,
You are right to be skeptical about Popoff (what an appropriate name eh?) and friends--I am as well. I wouldn't swing the pendulum as far away from the supernatural as you have, yet I completely agree with you that these guys do much more harm than good. Even back to the generation right after Jesus we see people "peddling the Word of God for profit." Paul dealt with people like this all the time. In fact, much of the New Testament was written in response to heretics who twisted people's minds and fooled them into believing all sorts of garbage. I didn't watch the clip you posted--it angers me too much to see that stuff. Ask my wife, when we're switching channels and we come upon exploitating fools who take the truth of God's word and twist it to fit their own desires and build their own paper mache kingdoms--I get extremely ticked off. It undermines the truth of God's word and it hurts the church and the millions of true believers who are not in this thing for themselves, but for the glory of God.

I don't fully agree with everything you've said here--but I do completely see where you are coming from, and on behalf of the true church, and all the authentic people who are sacrificing their lives so that people can experience real truth, love, and peace in their life--I am sorry for the sideshows who seem to get all the press.

Michael Guzman May 8, 2009 at 1:44 PM  

Yeah definitely, I figured you as well as most Christian's probably do not agree with guys like this. They are just so ridiculous and actually pretty funny to watch sometimes late at night.

Andrew Murch May 9, 2009 at 4:30 PM  

Very late at night...

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